I’m Devoreaux, a brand strategist and classic style lover.


Enneagram 3, type A, and proud recovering perfectionist.

I adore all things in pink, wearing pearls daily, and listening to classical music (especially in a theater).

My pronouns: she/her

My Store

It all began in 2010 when I started my career in marketing. Over the years I worked at startups, marketing agencies, and global corporations.

One day in Spring 2015 my father introduced me to a friend of his who needed marketing help with their small business.

The rest as they say, is history.

I have a passion for helping small businesses and nonprofits to create and implement marketing strategies that align to organizational goals and captivate the attention, hearts, and minds of target audiences.

I particularly love working on marketing projects that promote inclusion-centered brands serving and supporting underrepresented populations.

When I’m not building or promoting brands, I enjoy dog park adventures with my Maltipoo daughter and jet setting to the Caribbean.

Want to know a secret?
Branding matters for global enterprises just as much as it does for small businesses – if you don’t take the time to define your brand, others will define your brand for you.

My purpose: empowering brands with strategy, content, and the power of promotion.

Most brands that don’t invest the time and money into refining their marketing waste resources on tactics that don’t work. Instead of spending weeks, months, or years on a trial-and-error approach, it’s beneficial to invest in dialing in your marketing to increase your brand revenue and reach.

Most brands lack alignment and relevance – this is what minimizes the ability to maximize the ROI (return on investment) of branding. A lack of alignment and relevance occur when marketing promotional campaigns and content don’t capture the right audience with messaging that is important or connected to their desires or needs.

My favorite problems to solve:

Create brand strategies and Increase brand awareness



Dior or Chanel


Crêpe or French Toast


Au Revoir or Bonjour


Indiana or Madame Bovary


Red Wine or Champagne


Arc de Triomphe or Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower

Beret or Scarf


Croissant or Baguette



Branding has countless benefits

increased customer loyalty, credibility and competitive differentiation